Saturday, February 28, 2009

I finally made it back!!!

I know!!! It has been awhile! But I am back.... but not in black... cause it doesn't match the dog hair at my house! Anyway... alot has been going on. I have so catching up to do!

Thanksgiving 2008 we went to the Black Hills again this year. This was the first year that I got to spend Thanksgiving with some of my brothers and thier families.... I am not sure they thought it was a cool as I did since we kind of crashed the party! LOL! But it was terrific seeing everyone! here are some pics:

Here is the whole crew! Man are we a cool bunch or what???

My brother Tim....

Brother Tom and sister Janelle

Brother Bruce and his son Gerald

My brother Dan, me and brother Tom

Gerald's daughter Miranda (Gerald's daughter, my great niece), Sylvia (Miranda's grandma, Gerald's daughter and my sister inlaw) , Nash (sister Janelle's son and my nephew) And Gerald (my Nephew) This is the shortest and tallest pic.... sylvia is 4' 8" and Nash is 6'5" Too funny!!!

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